Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It would probably nice to be able to breathe.

I think my lungs are broken. Just sayin'. Today, I am totally unmotivated to do my homework. Today, I am totally unmotivated to write. I am totally unmotivated to do anything. I guess my lungs are unmotivated, too. They don't want to breathe right, so I've been gasping for breath all day, and that just serves to make it worse.
Tomorrow is Felicenzie day, but then we have a concert at 5:30. So, Felicenzie day is going to be cut short. Poor us. I have to help Mackenzie write her NaNoWriMo, which will probably be finished after her birthday(January 18! ....Right?) because she refuses to write without my constant supervision. She's like a little kid(Kenzy, if you read this, I TOTALLY WAS NOT SERIOUS ABOUT THESE STATEMENTS. Please do not kill me.)
Meanwhile, I'm writing like 2700 words a day, because if I write any less, I won't finish. And if I don't finish it, I will cry. Real tears, real tears.
Uhm... I don't know what to say anymore. That is the purpose of that line before. Time for the quote!

“I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about.” -Oscar Wilde

This guy is just like me! I know everything about nothing!

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