Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dear Facebook (reprise),

I don't speak Danish!
Do I seem like I speak Danish, Facebook?
Have I ever spoken Danish before?
What's with your obsession with including random languages that I don't know on my English Facebook?
It's not ok!
You really need to talk about your speaking problems with someone, perhaps a therapist, rather than taking them out on me.
Because I don't speak Danish.
And I won't learn it just to please you, because peer pressure is bad!
That's probably why you're doing this, isn't it, Facebook?
Someone pressured you into learning Danish and now no one speaks it with you and that makes you angry, so you take it out on me because you love confusing me with your various languages that I don't speak.
Not cool, Facebook, not cool at all.
Hugs and kisses and hatred,

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